Legacy Giving at Camp Kinderland:
With a legacy gift to Camp Kinderland, you can make a statement that will echo through generations. The values and beliefs by which you have lived, and the traditions that have given meaning to your life, are the foundations of every Camp Kinderland summer. Remembering Kinderland with a bequest is the living expression of Yerusheh—of a heritage that can live on, and guide the children who come after us.
But only if you decide to act.
“I decided to make a bequest to Camp Kinderland because it has been so important to all of my family. I want to help guarantee that it will continue to be a learning place for future campers: productive, principled, and fun. All the years my late husband Lester and I worked at camp have been filled with appreciation for how Kinderland has helped to nurture and encourage young people to further the ideals upon which camp was founded. I dream that my grandchildren, and their grandchildren, will still have Kinderland to teach them about workers’ rights, Yiddishkayt, progressive ideals and respect for all people.”
– Maddy Simon
Bequests are for everyone and anyone. They are both sensible and simple gifts. A charitable bequest allows you to be a supporter of Camp Kinderland and keep your financial options open.
You can use your will to give a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a specific item, such as real estate, artwork, savings bonds, stocks, etc.
You can name Camp Kinderland as the beneficiary of your existing account in a donor advised fund, a retirement plan, IRA account, or a life insurance policy.
Whatever you wish to give, we want to make it easy. A simple statement in your will is all that is required, and sample bequest language is available for you to share with your attorney; or we can help you craft the language you need to achieve your charitable estate goals.
But only if you decide to act.

“Kinderland not only changed my life, but provided me a foundation for how I think about people and the world around me…oh, and I met my wife there! The world doesn’t have an endless supply of special places that make people’s lives better and more meaningful. I am making a bequest to Camp because without our own community ensuring our future, Camp Kinderland could go away. Now that would be a tragedy.”
– Jon Silvan
Camper and Staff in the 80’s and camper parent
Bequests and other estate gifts come in all shapes and sizes
and are as different as the people who create them.
Your bequest to Camp Kinderland will support scholarships, building and site development, cabin upgrades, special programs like the Kinderland Shule, or any area of camp in which you have a particular interest. We are happy to discuss options with you.
Anyone can make a meaningful gift to Kinderland in their will. Whether you are writing your first will or updating an existing one, you can make a gift that will have a powerful impact.
Regardless of the size of your estate, your bequest of any amount is a statement of belief that the unique cultural heritage and commitment to social justice that have always been part of Camp Kinderland are important now—and will be important long after we are gone. And–when you demonstrate that you care enough about Camp Kinderland to support its future, others will follow your generous example.

“Camp played such an important role in my life. There’s something unique about the depth of feeling that Kinderland alumni hold for Camp. For many, myself included, Camp was an experience that repeatedly influenced our lives in very significant ways–not only the social and humanitarian values learned, but also the friendships, camaraderie, and yes, love affairs that have molded our lives and continued for generations. Few socially progressive children’s camps have survived the last several decades. Kinderland endures. It continues in essentially the same form and with the same values that we experienced. I added Camp to my will because with no umbrella organizations, corporations, or very deep pockets to sustain Kinderland moving forward, it is up to all of us!”
– Peter “Smitty” Smith, Camper 1952-57, Lifeguard 1961
For more information:
Please contact the Camp Kinderland office at (718) 643-0771 or for more information about making your bequest to Camp Kinderland.
And, if you have already taken this generous step on behalf of Camp Kinderland’s future, we hope you’ll let us know.